Sure-Flush Portable Toilet with Clean-up Facilities with Heated Warm Water sink temperature (95-110 F or 35 -43 C)
- It's a Chemical recirculating “Sure-Flush” toilet with a Trap flapper on the bottom of the bowl like the airplane toilets have.
- The flapper door opens and closes when you flush the toilet.
- Sink with Heated Warm Water sink temperature (95-110 F or 35 -43 C) clean up facility
- Soap Dispenser and Paper Towels
- Trap on bottom of bowl (flapper) stops odour and splash back (health and safety act)
- Non-splash urinal standard
- One single cord required 15 amp 110 volt
- Electrical Safety Authority approved (only 110 Volts, 8 amps)
- Energy Efficient Infrared Heat Lamp heats the person and the toilet seat
- Or wall mounter electric fan heater
- WE supply the fresh clean water works year round
- Heated Warm water sink and "Sure-Flush" works year round
- We also have two station sinks available with paper towels and soap
- Click here for Order Form